With The Use Of Incentives, Payment Through Bank Transfer May Become The Norm


Credit and debit cards remain the most preferred payment option among customers despite years of payment innovation.

If they are given rewards, 50% of millennials are extremely eager to pay for products in stores using a bank transfer.

Online bank transfers, for example, have grown in popularity as a method of paying bills.

This method has earned the favor of clients and begun to gain momentum in online purchasing due to its dependability and convenience. According to our findings, consumers who try this payment method—paying via bank transfer—are far more likely to want to use it again.

One of the main conclusions of “New Payment Options: Strengthening Consumer Relationships With Pay By Bank Transfer” is that.

The survey looks at customer propensity to use pay-by-bank transfers for online shopping and recurring bill payments. The results are based on a survey of 2,056 American consumers that was conducted between January 10 and January 13 and was census-balanced.