Why Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Lead Generation?


    Lead generation has changed as a result of digitization. They’re no longer constrained to traditional methods of event hosting and cold calling. To contact as many potential customers as possible, businesses today use omnichannel outreach via emails, websites, apps, and social media.

    Sales cycles have grown longer and more complex as a result of the proliferation of various communication channels. For both marketing and sales teams, this has made work extremely laborious and time-consuming. They find it difficult to create and maintain a high volume of high-quality leads.

    Lead generation and research take up roughly 21% of a B2B sales rep’s time and at least half of a marketer’s budget. Despite their greatest efforts, approximately 79% of leads fail to convert.

    It’s no surprise that leads generation is a big source of frustration for more than 40% of salespeople and 60% of marketers. AI may be a great tool for sales and marketing to help with lead generation and nurturing, which can be tedious at times.

    Here are a few reasons why artificial intelligence can assist you in generating and nurturing better leads:

    • An AI-powered tool can analyze a huge volume of data from multiple sources in real-time “without getting tired.” 
    • It can easily overcome the information overload that humans often face.
    • AI can find patterns in data. Humans may not have such strong observations and benefit from data-driven insights. 
    • Above all, AI can multitask quite efficiently.

    Plus, there’s more. It can assist in generating high-quality leads, directing salespeople to prospects who require attention, and advising on how to approach the right leads at the right time with the right message.

    Businesses that use AI receive a huge return on their investment. According to research, companies who employed AI-enabled lead-generating tools reported a 15% to 20% improvement in sales productivity and a 20% increase in order management throughput.

    More than 40% of sales leaders who utilize AI technologies report significant gains in lead prioritization, time management, and understanding of client demands. Furthermore, 84 percent of corporate executives feel AI may give them a competitive advantage.