Organic Ways To Get Good Reach On Social Media Platforms For Your Business


Social media today is predominant asset that each business must have its presence on. Your presence on social media can help grow your business ten folds. Today a lot of us struggle with the organic reach of our content on social media. Most organic content posted plummet. Have you ever thought why?

Always opting for paid marketing on social media platforms is not viable for all businesses. Paid advertisements no doubt give a good return to the content posted by you but applying a few tried and tested strategies can help boost your social media engagement in an organic way.

To make sure you have a good knowledge of each social media platform, and you need to ensure that you understand how each platform’s algorithm works.  Each platform has more than millions of users and a niche audience base. These few guidelines that we mention below are some of the tried and tested one’s which can help you reach a get good organic reach for your content;

Choose Your Platform Wisely: Each platform has it’s a different set of audiences. Choose a platform that your business can relate to. You need not have an account on all social media channels. Each platform follows an algorithm that depicts the way content appears in your newsfeed. Make sure to understand how the algorithm works on the platform you choose for your business. This will help to boost your organic reach on social media. For B2B platforms choose Twitter or LinkedIn.

Engage With Your Audience: One of the most important parts of building an organic reach is by actively interacting with your audiences. The level of engagement that you receive from your audience is a common factor that governs the working of an algorithm. The more active your interactions, the better organic reach you can receive, but that is only possible when you have the right audience to back you up. Respond to feedback, complaints, and compliments that you receive on social media. This will push up your feed ranking. Make use of the analytics tool to get an insight into your audience, and implement your strategy accordingly.

Use Hashtags: Make sure that your content is user-oriented. You can get creative in using hashtags for your brand, and ask your audience to post content related to your brands or products. This will help you generate better reach for your brand on social media platforms. You can follow popular companies on their social media to learn a few tricks of the trade.

Live Streaming Sessions: One way to grab eyeballs on your content on social media is to make use of live streaming sessions. They make a great way to push for real-time engagement. Live videos are interactive, help improve your brand’s engagement. Conduct live sessions on your social media and ace your social media game.

Post Less But Meaningful Content: You need to be smart when working on social media. Adopt a strategy of posting less but of very good quality so that you attract new users. The rule of thumb is eighty percent of your content is to attract new users and build trust, while twenty percent would be promotional to drive sales. Post content that will increase the interaction amongst your audiences. The most algorithm favors content that has a good user engagement. More the engagement you have on your posts, more organic reach your content get.

Use Analytical Tools: Make use of the analytics tool provided by the platform you choose. Keep a track of which content works for your company. There are many online tools that you can purchase to get a better understanding of your content insight. Keep a track of which content worked best for you, to understand what aspect of your content did the audience like.

Time Your Post Well: Timing is important while posting on social media platforms. Every platform is crowded with content and have posting very second. Hence it is important to post when maximum number of users are online. This way your content can reach maximum people and you can get a good visibility too.     

Looking at research data, these are generally the best times you should be posting:

  • Facebook – (Thursdays/Fridays) between 1 pm and 3 pm
  • Twitter –  (weekdays) between 12 pm and 6 pm
  • LinkedIn – (Tuesday – Thursday) between 7 am/8 am and 5 pm/6pm