Grab Aims To Be Profitable And Efficient By 2024


The use of a new technique dubbed “Just-in-Time Allocation” this year improved the accuracy of time estimates for food preparation. The new method involves sending orders to drivers so that they will arrive just before or just after the meal is ready for pickup.

In July 2022 alone, as opposed to February 2022, when we initiated this initiative, “this lowered driver-partner wait time from our network by over 12 million minutes.”

Grab wants to increase productivity by improving on-demand effectiveness in several important sectors. Thanks to innovative solutions, driver-partners may now make fewer stops, deliver more goods at once, and boost output in general.

“We have been putting a lot of effort into improving our profitability trajectory and delivering long-term growth. According to Grab CEO Anthony Tan, even after ten years and ten billion journeys, we still feel like we are just starting out on our quest to promote Southeast Asia.

He went on to claim that the region has a “huge runway of development” and that Grab is in a good position to take advantage of the multiple opportunities.

According to Tan, we’ll work to become the biggest and greatest on-demand platform for local trade and mobility in Southeast Asia.